Amazing Health Benefits of Mashed Potatoes
If you hope to maintain or improve your health, the majority of your diet should consist of fresh produce. Mashed potatoes can help you reach your weekly vegetable intake goal.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations classifies the potato as a starchy vegetable. It recommends that adults consume five to six cups of these vegetables each week.
This food can contribute to a nutritious diet, but it’s best to avoid excess saturated fat by employing healthy cooking methods.

Mashed Potato Health Benefits
When you use milk to prepare them, a cup of homemade mashed potatoes will supply roughly 175 calories. Each cup contains 37 grams of carbohydrates, including three grams of fiber.
Additionally, whipped potatoes provide four grams of protein and only a gram of fat (without adding butter or margarine).
Major Source of Vitamin B6
A serving of this food will boost your consumption of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine by 0.49 milligrams; B6 supports proper metabolism.
Furthermore, it regulates the immune system in ways that will help you stay healthy.
A cup of whipped potatoes delivers approximately 38 percent of the recommended daily intake.

Significant Potassium Content
The potato represents a rich source of potassium; each one-cup serving supplies 622 milligrams. This nutrient helps you maintain the correct balance of bodily fluids.
It also nourishes muscles and nerves, enabling them to function properly. Additionally, potassium regulates blood pressure and decreases the body’s sensitivity to salt.
Potassium-rich foods could be particularly beneficial to individuals afflicted with hypertension and people who consume too much sodium.
Healthier Cooking Methods
To maximize the health benefits of mashed potatoes, leave out margarine or butter and skip fatty milk. Avoid high-sodium gravy mixes as well. Instead, use nonfat milk and add a creamy texture with low-fat plain Greek yogurt or healthy low-sodium gravy.
This product supplies little fat and boosts the meal’s protein content. Garnish the potatoes with green onions, parsley, mushrooms or sauteed bell peppers to add flavor.

The bottom line is that mashed potatoes always deliver several valuable nutrients. However, cooking techniques and toppings can have a major impact on their healthfulness.
Think about preparing this food in a healthier way if you eat it regularly.

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This is such a great post! I love mashed potatoes so it’s good to know all of the health benefits that they have! ❤️
so many valuable benefits of mashed potatoes!
thanks for sharing!
Yay! I’m so happy I have an excuse to eat mash potatoes now! Yummy.
Louise O'Boyle
I’m Irish. I love potatoes. It’s a stereotype but it’s pretty accurate for the most part. This post has made my day! I also love your cooking suggestions. I would normally add a teaspoon of non salted butter for a little creamyness but natural yoghurt also works a treat! Add in some spring onions and you have some delish champ! Another good tip is once you’ve mashed all the potato, give it a quick whisk for a smooth texture. I could go on all day. Thanks for the post!
This is a post I can get behind! LOL. I love mashed potatoes and haven’t made them in ages. Thanks for the info.
What a bunch of amazing recipe ideas! so easy and also kid friendly!
Wow, I had no idea that mashed potatoes had so many health benefits. I eat mashed potatoes because I love it as a side dish. Thank you for sharing the info with us.
You’re so right that the cooking technique and mix ins can sink a healthy vegetable dish! Potatoes are great in moderation and without a lot of add ins!
Kassy Jade
The patatoes😍😍 im in love when i cook with this 😍 and now i know the benefits Viva los patatoes🤗🤗🤗
Who would have thought mashed potatoes could be so healthy! I’m going to look out for lower sodium gravies now, and skip butter. That sausage and mash pic is mouthwatering!
Milek Scythe
Came for the mash… Left hungry after seeing that sausage mash and gravy, so thanks for that!
Potatoes are the perfect food, no one’s gonna prove me wrong haha.
I love potatoes thank you for sharing alternative ways of cooking 🙂
Tiffany S
Thank you for sharing! I love mashed potatoes. Adding Greek yogurt is a wonderful alternative!
Chyna | MadeNewMama
You definitely took mash potatoes to another level in my life. Thanks for such an informative post!
It’s nice to know the many health benefits of eating mashed potato! And i agree, we just have to keep in mind the toppings or additional ingredients we put that may add up to calories 😅
I will have to try making them with greek yogurt! I love learning nutrition facts. Thanks!
Heather Ritchie
I am so happy to know that one of my favorite foods has great benefits. I mean who doesn’t like mashed potatoes and they have Potassium and B6. I need to eat more!
Brill info thanks. I don’t need to feel bad about doing ash potato anymore!
Jennifer Bradley
I love potatoes of all kinds myself – good to know they’re good for me too!
LaRena Fry
Thanks for all the information about potatoes. I didn’t potatoes had vitamin b-6. I am from Idaho and grew up eating potato ice cream and desert.
Amy Gougler
I love mashed potatoes! Thanks for giving me even more reasons to cook and eat them!